These are the two last drawings for my art class. I'm working on the first one right now, a portrait from Nirrimi's work. The second one's finished and I know, the arm is too short :$. Still proud of them, my best grades are gonna come from that class cause in the rest of them I've been a lazy bum and haven't studied at all. Feel like a f*cking retard... After Christmas I promise to take it seriously, I'm not playing with my future, SWEAR!
So this was my first day in London, which was supposed to be a saturday, but it was a sunday after all the problems we had with the flight and spanish airports. The thing is, that friday, we heard our airport had been closed, so all the flights weren't gonna take off. I didn't have any hope for a miracle or anything, so I just packed up because my mom told me to. We were going to go anyways, just to see what was going on in Bilbao, where our airport was. That next morning, one of my mom's friend who we were going with said our flight wasn't cancelled, but i didn't smile so soon, and I was right to do that cause when we got there an hour later, our flight was cancelled, as every other flight in there. Desperation came and we didn't know what to do. We called my dad, since he was staying at home and had the computer on, and asked him to look for other ways to get to London. We thought about the underseas tunnel that you get through by train, but it was closed because of snow, and anyways we would have to take a car to take us to the other part of France (what would have taken us for like 10 hours), and of course, it was too expensive. There were some flights form Biarriz next day afternoon, but we would be missing two days and that was even more expensive.
I've no idea how he found it, but my dad finally booked us five tickets for a flight that same afternoon that was taking off from Burdeos. We just couldn't believe it. We got taxi and got to Burdeos in another three hours.
That was a complete miracle, since half the people had to stay in Spain. Oh, one of my mom's friends had taken "San Judas Tadeo" saint of the impossibles on her purse, must have been that! Wow, it's been a week or so and now that I remember all that crazy trip I get stunned...
I felt the luckiest person in the world that day :)